About Us

Approximately 160 million people in total

Aneurysms are a silent illness that affect 2% of the world's population, according to the WHO

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the development of minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, revolutionized the surgical procedure and the results of the treatment of these conditions, creating a billion-dollar market.

On the other hand, this market still lacks lasting universal solutions that more broadly address different complexities and types of cases.

ARCHO was born from these challenges.

Designed to fill the technological gaps in the endovascular treatment of the different presentations of Aortic diseases, Archo has combined technology and innovation, and today offers an exclusive and universal solution, which meets the most concerning limitations of this type of technique; fixation, sealing, resistance to fatigue, navigability, profile and adaptation to complex anatomies.
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